Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty!


Our Prayer Chapel Praise Dancers (PCPD) are an essential part of the worship experience at Prayer Chapel. This unique ministry ministers the gospel under the anointing through various forms of visual interpretation including sign language, step, and interpretive movement. We are blessed to have 3 different groups within our ministry. Our PC Praisers (Young Adult), Ladies of Praise (Adult and Seasoned) and Angels of Praise (5-12).

Our Scripture Reference:

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

- Ephesians 2:10

For Ministry Inquiries Contact Sis. Chrisheena pcpd@prayerchapelcogic.online or (610) 352-1032


Our Prayer Chapel Praise and Worship teams purpose is to consistently inspire the church to worship in spirit and in truth, by providing an atmosphere, which would enable them to experience HIM through corporate worship. Our dream is to enhance each worshipper’s experience by being led by God through song choices, using quality audio and visual tools and, remaining in line with the vision of the Pastor and the church. Our goal is to have a team of anointed, skilled musicians and vocalists who live to glorify God with their talents.

Scripture Reference : “The time is coming when true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, and that time is here already. You see, the Father too is actively seeking such people to worship Him. God is Spirit and those who worship Him, must worship in spirit and in truth.” - John 4:23 - 24

For Ministry Inquiries Contact Sis. Jackson pcpw@prayerchapelcogic.online or (610) 352-1032

PC Band

The Prayer Chapel band is the backbone of the music ministry. They provide that essential “sound” that helps connect the congregation in worship. The band provides music for all services and special events. We are blessed to have as a member, the incomparable Immanuel Wilkins (famed Jazz Musician) join our band whenever he’s not on tour.

Deacon Jackson, Lead Musician

Sight & Sound

The Sight & Sound/Media team serves as executors of the behind the scenes work that enhances the worship experience. The Sound engineer is always on post, cueing the microphones and adjusting the overall sound when necessary. The Media engineers manage all visual components for our services. This includes Live Streams, our Website, Social Media channels etc. This team is also an extension of the Evangelism Ministry which seeks to reach persons who are unable to attend services in our building.

Deacon Jackson, Ministry Leader

More Ministries…


The Deaconess ministry prepares elements and participate in the execution of the Church’s ordinances which include communion, water baptism and feet washing as well as maintaining the upkeep and cleaning of the pulpit.


The Prayer Chapel Watchmen ministry pray for the pastor and church’s ministries as well as invoke the presence of the Lord on behalf of the congregation before Sunday Morning Service.


The Senior and Junior Ushers ministry is in place to assist the congregation and visitors from the start of service throughout. Along with our PC

Greeters, our Ushers are the first points of contact as you enter the Sanctuary.